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  Journal of Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology


Dr. A.K. Jaiswal PhD,, New Delhi

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Current issue: Volume 9, Number 2 (July-December), 2023

Contents available from: 2015

RNI Registration Number:DELENG/2018/76826


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Editorial-Chief Dr. A.K. Jaiswal PhD,, New Delhi
ISSNp 2454-9363
ISSNe 2455-8311
Frequency Semiannual
IC Value IC Value: 2015: 65.70, 2016: 76.58, 2018: 84.36,2020: 83.10, 2021:98.67
Impact Factor -
Publishing Year 2015
Affiliated to RFPPL own journal

Detectives, investigators, researchers, forensic pathologists, forensic scientists, forensic chemists, clinical examiners, lawyers, attorneys, government watchdogs, and manufacturers

Abstracting and Indexing information

Index Copernicus, Poland (IC Value: 2015: 65.70, 2016: 76.58, 2018: 84.36, 2020: 83.10, 2021: 98.67)
Gaudeamus Academia
Science Library Index
International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)

About the Journal

The Journal of Criminal Chemistry and Toxicology (JFCT) is a peer-reviewed journal that focuses on distributing the most complete and reliable sources of information on recent discoveries, developments, case reports and short communications. In all fields of forensic chemistry and toxicology. Forensic chemistry is unique in chemistry because its research, practice and presentation must meet both scientific and legal needs. Therefore, forensic chemistry research is applied in nature and design, focusing on measurement and validation. Forensic chemistry includes organic and inorganic analysis, toxicology, arson research and forensics. JFCT deals with forensic medicine, forensic science, forensic chemistry, toxicology and analytical chemistry, DNA fingerprints, sex medicine, and environmental medicine, among others.

Current Issue Volume 4,Number 2 2018
Original Article
A Comparative Observational Study of Postmortem Computed Tomography and Traditional Forensic Autopsy Findings in Hanging Cases
Abhishek Yadav, Additional Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi 110029, India.
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
Interesting Nuclear Magnetic Resonance studies of some N, N-bis(2-methoxyethyl) substituted Benzamides
Mamta Sharma, Directorate of International Cooperation, Defence Research and Development Organisation, Raja ji Marg, New Delhi-110011, India.
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
Elimination of Chromium (Vl) from Industrial Effluent through the Utilization of Water Hyacinth weed
Nand Lal, Professor, Department of Chemistry, Vikramajit Singh Sanatan Dharma College, Kanpur 208002, Uttar Pradesh, India.
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
Forensic Chemical Profiling of Hazardous Additives and Contaminants alongwith their harmful Effects & Source discrimination of seized Moonshine samples: A study on New Emerging Crisis in Punjab
Archna Negi, Junior Scientific Officer (Chemistry), Central Forensic Science Laboratory, Directorate of Forensic Science Services, Government of India, Chandigarh 160036, Punjab, India.
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
Review Article
Terrorism at Rise with the Chemicals Insight: Use of Chemical Warfare Agents an Issue of Global Concern
Neha Jain, Former Senior Scientific Officer, Sherlock Institute of Forensic Science India, GTB Nagar, Kingsway Camp, Hudson Lane, Delhi 110009, India.
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
Case Report
Postmortem Computed Tomography: A Supplant Technique to Autopsy for Firearm Injuries in the Head
Abhishek Yadav
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
Reperfusion Induced Fatal Hemorrhagic Myocardial Infarction: A Case Report
Abhishek Yadav, Additional Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi 110029, India.
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]