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Open Access
Journal of Medical Images and Case Reports
RFP own title

Journal of Medial images and case reports (JMICR)

Volume Number (),
July 27, 2024

Journal of Medial images and case reports (JMICR)

Open Access
RFP Gastroenterology International
Dr. Vinay H. G., Bangalore
Not affiliated with any society / association / organization

All practicing clinicians interested in gastroenterology, hepatology or endoscopy, especially gastroenterologists, internists, general surgeons, colon and rectal surgeons, radiologists, hematologists, endoscopists and hepatologists.

Volume 8 Number 1 (January-June), 2023
December 05, 2023

The RFP Gastroenterology International (GI) is published by Red Flower Publications is dedicated to publishing timely medical research in gastroenterology and hepatology. GI provides practical and professional support to medical professionals dealing with gastroenterological diseases most commonly seen in patients. Regular features include articles from major authorities and reports on the latest treatments for diseases. The original research is organized by the content of clinical and basic translation and by the content of the digestive tract, liver, pancreas and biliary tract.

RFP Gastroenterology International is a peer-reviewed and refereed journal.

Open Access
Women On The Earth
Dr. A. Lal, Delhi
Red Flower Publications own journal

General public

Volume 3 Number 1 (January - March), 2009
April 02, 2009

The world's best-selling women's magazine is famous for its optimistic style, which focuses on women's lives and various aspects of their careers. The magazine focuses mainly on women's issues based on social relationships. Nonfiction articles explore social issues, parenting, sex, marriage, money, health and psychology, and the best short stories of today. The magazine aims to promote women's achievements in visual arts, music, theatre, dance, cinema, and literature.

Open Access
Indian Journal of Legal Medicine
Dr. Vivekanshu Verma DFM, Gurugram
Not affiliated with any society / association / organization

Health professionals, health administrators, attorneys, policy makers, and academics.

Volume 4 Number 1-2 ( January – December), 2023
November 26, 2021

The Indian Journal of Legal Medicine is a peer-reviewed and interdisciplinary journal focusing on the intersections of health, law, science and policy. The journal publishes short commentaries and articles, but longer articles also can be published. Topics relating to the journal include professional liability, bioethics legal issues, including clinical and research ethics, health care regulation, health science and technology law, food and drug law, public health and environment law, health and social justice law, international and human rights. Book review essays, including major contributions to the field, are also published.

The Indian Journal of Legal Medicine is the Peer-Reviewed and Refereed Journal.


Medical lawyers, lawyers, medical professionals and health care administrators and other professionals involved in medical-legal training, research, consulting and corporate, administrative and private professional practice.

Open Access
Journal of Food Additives and Contaminants
Not affiliated with any society / association / organization

Researchers, Nutritionists, Chefs and Faculties in Allied Fields.

Volume Number (),
July 27, 2024

The Journal of Food Additives and Contaminants publishes articles on natural and human foods and contaminants in the food and animal feed chains. The journal accepts original articles and reviews on natural additives and contaminants in the food and animal feed chain. Food additives include odors, pesticides, and animal residues environmental pollutants mycotoxins marine biotoxins trace elements Food process pollutants Adulteration, authenticity and foodstuffs, development of new foods and processes animal feed where residues and contaminants cause food safety problems. The journal adopted a single anonymized peer review policy.

Open Access
Journal of Food Technology and Engineering
Dr. V.P. Singh, Meerut
Not affiliated with any society / association / organization

Researchers, Nutritionists, Chefs, Faculties in Allied Fields.

Volume Number (),
July 27, 2024

The Journal of Food Technology and Engineering is an academic journal of food science and food technology. The journal publishes research and review papers on all topics of food engineering, including industrial topics such as food engineering characteristics, food physics, physical chemistry, processing, measurement, control, packaging, storage, distribution, new food engineering, food service and hospitality, food engineering design and operation, plant and equipment design, and food engineering economics including alternative processes.

The Journal of Food Technology and Engineering is a peer-reviewed and refereed journal.

Open Access
Journal of Radiology
Dr. D.K. Kashyap, Delhi
Not affiliated with any society / association / organization

Radiolists and Imaging experts.

Volume 1 Number 1 (January-June), 2022
July 27, 2024

The Journal of Radiology is a peer-reviewed journal focusing on related areas of radiation such as medical imaging, radiotherapy, musculoskeletal radiation, oral and facial radiation, surgical radiation, diagnostic radiation, pediatric radiation, computed acoustic imaging (CT), computerized axial acoustic imaging (CAT), CT imaging fluoroscopy, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), X-ray, electromagnetic emission acoustic imaging (PET), ultrasound (USG). The Journal of Radiology is a academic journal covering a wide range of disciplines to provide a platform for authors to contribute to the journal. The journal provides a unique forum for scientists to express their research, review, case-study and short communications on a range of radiation research.

Open Access
Indian Journal of Music and Theater Research
RFP own journal
Volume Number (),
July 27, 2024