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Accepted Articles : International Journal of Pediatric Nursing

Publishing your article: All these articles are accepted for publication in the respective journals and acceptance letters have been forwarded to all concerned authors. If you have not received acceptance letter yet; please contact us if you feel necessary.

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A study to assess the knowledge, attitude and practices regarding oral hygiene of children (3-5 years) among mothers visiting paediatric OPD of a selected hospital of Ludhiana, Punjab
Mamta1, Simranpal Kaur2
Received On Mar 11 2024. Accepted On Jul 13 2024
Download 'Acceptance Letter' (PDF).
“Effect of customized integrated teaching program on knowledge regarding child abuse and neglect among peoples residing in rural area of Bhopal’’
Monika David
Received On Nov 02 2023. Accepted On Dec 30 2023
Download 'Acceptance Letter' (PDF).
Stephina ImmaculateV, Nagalakshmi E, K.Tamizharasi
Received On Nov 08 2023. Accepted On Jan 02 2024
Case Report On: Dandy Walker Malformation As Congenital Defect
Ms. Switi A. Besekar1 Ms. Prachi Falke2 Ms. Nikita Bhokare3
Received On Mar 07 2024. Accepted On Jul 13 2024
Download 'Acceptance Letter' (PDF).
Gender-Based Level of Self-Esteem among Adolescents
Rajathi Sakthivel
Received On Dec 06 2023. Accepted On Feb 01 2024
Download 'Acceptance Letter' (PDF).
Impact of Green Space Exposure on Children’s Mental Health
Jyothsna Goli
Received On Aug 28 2023. Accepted On Sep 30 2023
Download 'Acceptance Letter' (PDF).
Therapeutic Procedure Preparation and Care of a child - Nursing Considerations
Sushma Oommen, Usha G Menon
Received On Dec 23 2023. Accepted On Feb 05 2024
Download 'Acceptance Letter' (PDF).