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Accepted Articles : Indian Journal of Medical and Health Sciences

Publishing your article: All these articles are accepted for publication in the respective journals and acceptance letters have been forwarded to all concerned authors. If you have not received acceptance letter yet; please contact us if you feel necessary.

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A Study on Awareness among young adults towards health and/or nutritional benefits of Millets
[1]Mrs. Manisha Trivedi,[2]Radhika Godbole,[3]Dr. Dipali Saxena[4] Dr. Shweta Keswani
Received On Apr 16 2024. Accepted On Jun 27 2024
Download 'Acceptance Letter' (PDF).
Application of wound score-our experience
1. Shaik Ayesha,2. Ravi Kumar Chittoria,3.Padmalakshmi Bharati Mohan,4.Jacob Antony Chakiath
Received On Apr 23 2024. Accepted On Jun 27 2024
Download 'Acceptance Letter' (PDF).
Find the relationship between mobile data usage and neck pain for physiotherapy college students – A questionnaire survey method
Received On Jun 17 2024. Accepted On Jun 27 2024
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Innovative Method of Filling Collagen Particles in Difficult Cavity Wounds
1.Sushil Nepali 2.Ravi Kumar Chittoria 3.Jacob Antony Chakiath
Received On May 07 2024. Accepted On Jun 28 2024
Download 'Acceptance Letter' (PDF).
1.Rumaan Patan, 2) Ravi Kumar Chittoria, 3) Bharath Prakash
Received On Apr 06 2024. Accepted On Jun 27 2024
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Role of Topical Feracrylum in Management of Donor site raw area
1) Vishnu Kumar K. S., 2) Ravi Kumar Chittoria, 3) Bharath Prakash
Received On Apr 06 2024. Accepted On Jun 27 2024
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Utilizing Amniotic Membrane Allograft as regenerative therapy for Treating Burns
1. Karthikeyan,2. Ravi Kumar Chittoria,3. Kanav Gupta,4. Jacob Antony Chakiath,5. Padmalakshmi Bharathi Mohan
Received On May 08 2024. Accepted On Jun 28 2024
Download 'Acceptance Letter' (PDF).