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Journal of Radiology
Not affiliated with any society / association / organization

Radiolists and Imaging experts.

Volume 1, Number 1 2022

New journal and will be indexed when it will be elegible.

The Journal of Radiology is a peer-reviewed journal focusing on related areas of radiation such as medical imaging, radiotherapy, musculoskeletal radiation, oral and facial radiation, surgical radiation, diagnostic radiation, pediatric radiation, computed acoustic imaging (CT), computerized axial acoustic imaging (CAT), CT imaging fluoroscopy, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), X-ray, electromagnetic emission acoustic imaging (PET), ultrasound (USG). The Journal of Radiology is a academic journal covering a wide range of disciplines to provide a platform for authors to contribute to the journal. The journal provides a unique forum for scientists to express their research, review, case-study and short communications on a range of radiation research.