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Journal of Nurse Midwifery and Maternal Health

Volume  2, Issue 2, May-Aug 2016, Pages 127-129

Case Report

A Case Report on Galactocele

Shaina Sharma*, Vasantha Kalyani**

*Nursing Tutor, **Assistant Professor, College of Nursing, All India Institute of Medical Sciences,Virbhadra Road, Rishikesh Uttarakhand-249 201

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  Objective: The purpose of this report is to present the case of a 30 years old female patient with a confirmed diagnosis of Galactocele right breast. Clinical features: The patient presented with swelling/ lump in upper quadrant associated with pain on palpation. Patient was also suffering with hypothyroidism from last two years. Intervention and outcome: Sonomammography and aspiration cytology were performed on the patient which confirmed the presence of galactocele of right breast. The patient then underwent the excision of galactocele. Conclusion: Galactocele is a milk cyst which occurs in females during lactation or after cessation of lactation. It feels like a smooth movable lump in the breast which causes discomfort. The aspiration can act as diagnostic as well as curative in this case. Sometimes excision may also be required. 

Keywords: Galactocele; Cyst; Aspiration cytology; Lump; Excision.

Corresponding Author : Shaina Sharma*