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Journal of Nurse Midwifery and Maternal Health

Volume  9, Issue 1, January-April 2023, Pages 31-33

Review Article

Multiple Pregnancy

Ritu1, S.P. Subashini2, Sanathoi Chanu3

1Student 2Dean, 3Profesor, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, School of Nursing, Galgotia University, Greater Noida 201310, Uttar Pradesh, India.

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Women have the right to receive respectful maternity care in all healthcare systems around the world. Women’s experiences with maternity caregivers can either be empowering and comforting or inflict lasting damage and deep emotional trauma. Either way, memories of childbearing experiences can stay with women throughout their lifetimes. Respectful Maternity care is a care which is provided during labour and child birth. According to the WHO It is not a help or our duty it is a human right of the lady or women, but according the many studies some of lady are not got Respectful Maternity care during that time due to that reason the mortality and morbidity rate is not reduce in rural areas and some urban areas also. So there is the need to take care of that ladies or women which is not got right treatment and Respectful care during labour or childbirth.

Keywords : Human Right, Labour, World health Organization, Morbidity, Mortality, Healthcare system.
Corresponding Author : Sanathoi Chaw