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Journal of Nurse Midwifery and Maternal Health

Volume  9, Issue 1, January-April 2023, Pages 9-13

Original Article

A Study to assess the Knowledge Regarding Human Milk Banking among Women in Selected Hospital at Kottayam District

A Study to assess the Knowledge Regarding Human Milk Banking among Women in Selected Hospital at Kottayam District

Anu Paul1, Jeena K Babu2, Anu Reji3, Merlin Thomas4, Bismi Sunny5, Amal Raj MP6, Anjaly Benny7, Sr Praveena

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A descriptive study was conducted to assess the knowledge regarding human milk banking among women in selected hospital at Kottayam district with a view to develop an information leaflet. Convenient sampling technique was used to select samples from prenatal and postnatal mother’s and mothers of under five children. The study sample consists of 30 parents who came to the out patient department and by standers of admitted child who got admitted in wards of Little Lourdes Mission hospital. Data was collected using structured questionnaire to assess the knowledge regarding Human Milk Bank among women.

The result showed that among 30 samples 22 (73.3%) women had only average knowledge regarding human milk bank. Only 8 (26.66%) had good knowledge regarding human milk bank and nobody had poor knowledge regarding human milk bank. The study findings revealed that there are no significant association between knowledge regarding human milk bank and demographic variables such as age and education. There is association between knowledge regarding human milk bank and occupation.

Keywords : Human Milk Banking; Post-mature infants; Neonatal.
Corresponding Author : Anu Paul