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Journal of Nurse Midwifery and Maternal Health

Volume  5, Issue 3, September-December 2019, Pages 105-109

Original Article

A study to Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Program on Knowledge Regarding Ill Health Effect of Prolong Use of Commercial Diapers for Toddler, among Mothers at Selected Urban Area, of Nagpur City

Sophie Caleb1, Eistor Tyade2, Neha Deoghare3, Ashwini Chaudhari4, Neha Dhole5, Yugina Halmaee6

1Associate Professor, 2–6Bsc 4th year Student, Department of Nursing, MKSSS’s Sitabai Nargundkar College of Nursing for Women Nagpur, Maharashtra 441110, India.

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One of the most significant of the twentieth century the disposable diaper or (“nappy”) continues to explore rapidly in the early twenty-first century becoming smaller, cheaper, easier to use, friendlier to the environment and increasing every year. Today more than nine times of every two diaper changes in the developed world, and growing percentages else where are disposables. Diaper rash, also known as diaper dermatitis, is inflammation of the skin that appears on the skin under a diaper, notably in toddlers from age 1 to 3 years, with the highest incidence found in age of 1 to 5 years. However, this concern may be also seen in adults who wear diapers for incontinence of urine or stool. As one of the most common skin conditions in toddlers, diaper rash was reported to account for approximately 20% of all pediatric office visits. Although the disorders are not usually life- threatening, it may cause erythema and itching in the affected areas of toddlers and may cause significant distress for parents.

Keywords: Disposable diapers; Dermatitis.

Corresponding Author : Sophie Caleb