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Indian Journal of Dental Education

Volume  12, Issue 2, April-June 2019, Pages 41-44

Original Article

Effect of Incisor Retraction on the Lips in Patients with Excessive Proclination

Shweta S Nidavani1, MB Halkati2, Shkeel Ahmed Galagali3

1Assistant Professor 2Professor and Head 3Reader, Department of Orthodontics, Al-Ameen Dental College, Vijaypur, Karnataka 586108, India.

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Aim: To study the effect of incisor retraction on the lip position in patients with excessive proclination. Materials and Method: pre and post treatment cephalograms 40 adult patients. (26 female and 14 male) pre and post treatment cephalograms of these patients were analysed to compare the effect retraction of incisors on the lip. Results: An average retraction of maxillary incisor of 3.5 ± 3.3 mm caused the upper lip to retract by 5.3 ± 1.9 mm.; An average retraction of maxillary incisor of 3.5 ± 3.3 of mm. caused the lower lip to retract by 1.9 ± 1.7 mm. Conclusion: Strong correlation existed between upper incisor retraction and lower lip retraction (r- value 0.0479) and lower incisor retraction and lower lip retraction (r-value 0.0641) Ratio of upper incisor retraction to upper lip retraction is 1.5:1. Ratio of upper incisor retraction to lower lip retraction is 1.7:1. Ratio of lower incisor retraction to lower lip retraction is 1.2:1. Ratio of lower incisor proclination to lower lip protrusion is 0.4:1. For 1 mm Upper incisor retraction caused the in the labiomental fold angle increase by 4.10.

Keywords: Incisor retraction; Proclination; Cephalograms.

Corresponding Author : MB Halkati