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Indian Journal of Preventive Medicine

Volume  3, Issue 2, July - December 2015, Pages 89-91


Evidence-Based Public Health and Preventive Medicine: Role of Scholarly Biomedical Journals

Nish Rani Jamwal, Senthil P. Kumar

Professor & Principal, Maharishi Markandeshwar Institute of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation (Maharishi Markandeshwar University), Mullana University, Road, Mullana, Ambala - 133207, Haryana, India., *Senior Physiotherapist, Department of Physiothera

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The aim of this short communication was to update the clinicians and researchers in the field of public health and preventive medicine, through an evidence-informed integrative overview of studies from PubMed. There were studies analyzing public health journals for their characteristics of editorial boards, authorship (one study on national representation, and two on region-wise contribution), language of publication, health needs and health functions, Chinese contribution, two studies on impact factor, two studies on randomized controlled trials (one on assessment of quality, one on impact of CONSORT guidelines), and one study on referencing accuracy. There are more analytical studies required so as to provide recommendations for evidence-based public health and preventive medicine.

Keywords: Evidence-Based Public Health; Evidence-Based Preventive Medicine; Journals’ Policies; Journals’ Analysis; Research Evidence.

Corresponding Author : Senthil P. Kumar