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Journal of Social Welfare and Management

Volume  5, Issue 1, January - March 2013, Pages 21-28

Review Article

Benediction of Investment in Human Capital Development in Banking Sector in Delhi

Sahab Singh, P.C.Gupta

*Department of Basics Science & Humanities, Dronacharya College of Engineering, Greater Noida, (UP), **Department of Income Tax & Law, Agra University, Agra.

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Well groomed employees contribute to the efficiency, exploitation, increased productivity, strong market reputation and goodwill of an organization. Therefore, enterprises need to realize and strategically invest in the human appliance for a defendable growth in the present uncertain environment. Present study is an endeavour to look into the functioning of training delivery and proficiency as perceived by senior level employees in public sector as well as private sector banks. An attempt has been made to focus on the various objectives of bank training, the methods and sources used in banks for identifying to enhancement, the aspects which are emphasized more by banks while imparting training to their employees, and the benefits of bank training to employees especially in execution and exchange. Additionally, the level of satisfaction of bank officials over the training and development programmes should also premeditated.  

Keywords: Efficiency; Banks; Satisfaction; Sustainable growth; Training and development. 

Corresponding Author : Sahab Singh