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Indian Journal of Dental Education

Volume  9, Issue 3, July - September 2016, Pages 171-176

Review Article

Hypertension and Dentistry

Ashok L.*, Navya M.K.**, Sujatha G.P.***

*Professor and Head, **PG Student, ***Professor, Dept of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Bapuji Dental College and Hospital, Davangere, Karnataka, 577004.

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  Very commonly dentist confront with the management of patient with Hypertension, that includes disease recognition and its proper management, knowledge of treatment and oral adverse effects and risk assessment for dental treatment.Hypertension can cause various complications in dental procedures and various manifestations in oral cavity like xerostomia, gingival hyperplasia, lichenoid reaction and loss of taste. With increase in age and duration of history of hypertension there is higher risk for presence of carotid artery calcification which can lead to cardiovascular diseases in geriatric patients. In the recent interest of a dental setup, digital orthopantomographs can be used as most economical screening method for detection of carotid artery atheroma at the level of C3-C4 vertebrae and patients can be made aware of the risk of cardiovascular diseases. This facilitate the early referral of the patients to physician for further treatment. Therefore an interdisciplinary approach will help in the early detection of a serious illness in a dental office itself. 

Keyword: Hypertension; Common Carotid Artery Calcification; Diagnosis; Management.

Corresponding Author : Ashok L.*