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Indian Journal of Dental Education

Volume  5, Issue 4, October - December 2012, Pages 235-236

Case Report

An Unusual Case of Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumor Associated with Dentigerous Cyst

Sushruth Nayak, MDS*, Prachi Nayak, MDS**, Rakesh Kumar Mannae, MDS***, Ashish Mahendra, MDS****

*Reader, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology & Microbiology, Chattisgarh Dental College and Research Institute, Rajnandgaon-491441, Chattisgarh. **Senior lecturer, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology & Microbiology, Chattisgarh

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Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumor (AOT) is an uncommon, hamartomatous, benign, epithelial lesion of Odontogenic origin that was first described by Dreibaldt in 1970, as a pseudo adenoameloblastoma. The present World Health Organization (WHO) classification describes AOT as being composed of the Odontogenic epithelium in a variety of histoarchitectural patterns, embedded in a mature connective tissue stroma, and characterized by slow but progressive growth. It occurs in both intraosseous and peripheral forms. Generally recurrence is very rare. The present case reports a 32 yr old male patient who presented with a chief complaint of swelling in the lower anterior region. On examination permanent lower right and left canine were missing with over retained lower right lateral incisor. Radiograph revealed a well defined unilocular radiolucent area in association with the lower anterior teeth. The lesion was excised along with the lower associated teeth and histopathological reports suggested AOT with the Dentigerous Cystic lining. 

Key words: Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor; Dentigerous cyst.

Corresponding Author : Sushruth Nayak, MDS*