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Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga

Volume  11, Issue 1, Jan-Mar 2018, Pages 29-32

Case Report

Ayurved Management of Mootrashmari (Ureteric Calculus): A Single Case Study

Komang Sudarmi*, T.S. Dudhamal**, Monika Kumari***

*PhD (Ayu) Scholar **Associate Professor & I/HOD ***(Ayu) Scholar, Dept. of Shalya Tantra, IPGT&RA, GAU, Jamnagar, Gujarat 361008, India.

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Mootrashmari (Urolithiasis) is considered among the Ashtamahagadas disorder of Mutravahasrotas where both medicinal and surgical treatment are advised..It is a common malady and can occuranywhere within the urinary tract. Prevalence of Urolithiasis is increasing in the society day by day due to high proteineceous, salty diet and less exercise. In this case report a 45 years old male patient of Mootrashmari visited in Shalya OPD with complaints of severe pain in loin region associated with nausea and vomiting. USG findings showed presence of stone (8.6 x 4.5 mm) in left lower ureter along with moderate hydronephrosis and hydroureter. So this case was diagnosed as Mootrashmari (ureteric calculus) and was successfully treated with Gokshurachurna (5 gm), Banga Bhasma (60 mg) and Purnarnavashhtakakwatha (20 ml) which were given twice daily to the patient. After 3 months of above treatment stone was completely stopped without any complication. Hence, case study concluded that Mootrashmari is well treated with Ayurvedic medicines.

Keywords: Ashtamahagadas; Hydronephrosis; Gokshura; Banga Bhasma; Purnarnavashhtaka; Ureteric Calculus. 

Corresponding Author : Komang Sudarmi, PhD (Ayu) Scholar, Dept. of Shalya Tantra, IPGT & RA, GAU, Jamnagar, Gujarat 361008, India.