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Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga

Volume  11, Issue 1, Jan-Mar 2018, Pages 21-25

Review Article

An Innovative Surgical Model’s in Hands on Training Programme-Yogyasutreeya

Hanumanth M. Bagi*, Manohar S. Sarangi**

*Assistant Professor, Dept. of Shalyatantra **Assistant Professor, Dept. of Agadatantra, SDMT’s Ayurvedic Medical College, Danigonda Post- Graduation Centre, Padmanagar, Terdal, Taluk Jamakhandi, Bagalkot, Karnataka 587315, India.

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Shalyatantra is one among the eight branches of Ayurveda. Susrutaacharya, the master of this branch, briefs every aspects relating to basic principles of surgery in his text – “Susrutasamhita”. Mere theoretical knowledge of the disease is not sufficient to treat the ill, especially for a surgeon and there lies the importance of Sareerastana. Susrutasamhita is considered as the prime text book on “Sareerasthana”, where anatomical descriptions are detailed. Susrutasamhita classified surgical procedures into eight –Astavidha Sastra Karmas – Cchedya, Bhedya, Lekhya, Vedhya, Eshya, Aharya, Visravya and Seevya. Acharya had taken steps like “Yogyasutreeya” for training before being accepted as a “Surgeon”. Only after practical training, Acharya details the indications of these procedures. And an attempt is made to developa innovative surgical models in hands on training based on feasibility.

Keywords: AcharyaSusruta; AstavidhaSastra Karma; Innovative Surgical Models. 

Corresponding Author : Hanumanth. M. Bagi, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Agadatantra, SDMT’s Ayurvedic Medical College, Danigonda Post-Graduation Centre, Terdal, Taluk Jamakhandi, Bagalkot, Karnataka 587315, India.