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RFP Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics

Volume  6, Issue 1, January-June 2021, Pages 59-64

Review Article

Semen Analysis as A Tool to Assess Infertility Among Males

Sachin C Narwadiya1, Deepika D Manwatkar2

Research Scholar, School of Public, Health, Poornima University, Jaipur, Rajasthan 303905 India, 2Research Student, Master of Microbiology, P.G. Department of Microbiology, Shri Sachhidan and Shikshan Sanstha’s, Taywade College, Nagpur, Maharashtra 440009, India.

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Sperm analysis, also called sperm count, measures the amount and quality of sperm and semen. Sperm is a thick, white fluid that comes out of the vagina during orgasm. This release is called ejaculation. Sperm contains the sperm, the male cells carrying the genes. When a sperm unites with a woman's egg, it forms an embryo. Low sperm count or abnormal sperm formation or movement can make it difficult for a man to conceive a woman. Infertility is called infertility. Infertility can affect both men and women. About one-third of couples who are unable to have children, male fertility, an important factor needs to be considered. Sperm analysis can help determine the cause of male infertility.3 The present study discussed about the sperm analysis and its use as per the standard guidelines to enable the researcher to carry out the research and get the quality outcome in terms of assessment of infertility among males.

Corresponding Author : Sachin C Narwadiya