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Indian Journal of Law and Human Behavior

Volume  8, Issue 1, Jan-June 2022, Pages 13-18

Review Article

Professional Sports, Drug Abuse and Law: A Psychological Perspective

Riddhita Parikh

Assistant Professor, Department of Law, GLS University Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380015, India

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Drug abuse is prevalent in many sports and at all levels of competition. A sportsman may resort to drug for varying reasons like enhancing performance, to deal with stressful events like injuries, physical pain and to overcome the trauma of retirement. Performance enhancing drugs have its existence since ancient times and have continued to evolve with the improvement and advancements in the drug testing method and scientific researches. Many sports organizations have come to the banning of the intake of performance enhancement drugs. Doping also has innumerable side effects. World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) maysanction punishment ranging from a reprimand to a life time ban. The duration of ban mayvary on a number of factors like anti-doping violation, circumstances, the substance used andthe repetition of the violation. The current research focuses on the history of doping, theeffects and side effects of different drugs used for doping, and to examine the laws pertaining to doping and drug abuse by sports professionals.


Corresponding Author : Riddhita Parikh