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Indian Journal of Communicable Diseases

Volume  2, Issue 2, July - December 2016, Pages 71-75

Review Article

Malaria-Need for addressal and Future Challenges

Suneela Garg*, Charu Kohli**

*Director Professor and Head, **Resident, Department of Community Medicine, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, India.

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 Malaria is a major public health problem around the world. The recent trend shows a reduction in incidence and deaths due to malaria. However it is still a major concern in many countries. World Health Organization (WHO) has framed post-2015 global technical strategy on malaria with newer targets and milestones that have to be achieved by 2020, 2025 and 2030. Universal access to prevention, diagnosis and treatment and effective surveillance are some of the pillars. Government of India launched National Vector Borne Control Program (NVBDCP) in 2005 to consolidate the efforts for prevention and control of vector borne diseases in India. Recently, National malaria strategic plan for malaria control in India, 2012-17 has been framed with revised targets and strategies. To ensure success of these plans and strategies, major hurdles like lack of human resource and funds, limited private sector involvement and lack of political leadership has to be overcome.

Keywords: Malaria; Initiatives; Challenges.

Corresponding Author : Suneela Garg*