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Journal of Global Public Health

Volume  3, Issue 2, July-December 2021, Pages 55-57

Review Article

Review of Literature on A Healthy Communication Style Assertiveness

Abhisekh Mishra1, Arun Bhati2, Nancy Thakur3

2B.Sc Nursing Student, 3Associate Professor, Department of Mental Health Nursing, Galgotias School of Nursing, Galgotias University, Greater Noida 203201, Uttar Pradesh, India

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Assertive communication is the capability to speak and relate to in a manner that view and respect the rights and opinions of others while also standing up for your own rights, needs and personal boundaries. Assertive communication expertise produce opportunities for open conversation with a variety of opinions, needs and choices to be respectfully heard and considered in-order to achieve a win -win solutions to certain problems. It can power your relationships, decreasing stress from conflict and providing you with social bear when facing difficult times.

Corresponding Author : Nancy Thakur