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Journal of Social Welfare and Management

Volume  10, Issue 3 (Special Issue), Sep-Dec 2018, Pages 568-573

Original Article

Green HRM: Concept and Practices

Alex Rajesh, Rakhi Mohan,

1 Associate Professor, 2 Research Scholar, Nehru College of Management, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641105, India.

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 The topic of environmental sustainability is capturing increased attention among the corporate world. Green management initiatives have become an important factor in forward-thinking businesses all around the world. In the present scenario, corporates have become more aware about the emerging importance of integrating environmental preservance and Human Resource Management. Regardless of the significance to managers, employees, clients and different stake holders, there are not many research works that consider the role of human resource management systems in organizations endeavouring to accomplish environmental sustainability, that is, Green Human Resource Management Practices. The idea of Green HRM depends up on the initiatives attempted with the target of securing the earth and to spare out the compelling force of nature from the common and man-made fiascos in future. Green HRM tries to handle the Human Resource practices which are environment friendly and advance the economical utilization of resources in the organization. The motivation behind the thought of becoming environmentally friendly is to utilize the things and strategies that would not contrarily affect the earth and environment through contamination or exhausting characteristics. Additionally, it results into diminished costs, high proficiency, and better regulation of workforce. This thusly, help business organizations to chop down employee carbon footsteps by the methods of video-conferencing, sharing of vehicles, tele-communication, documenting electronically, virtual meetings, reusing materials, online training, and so on. The nurturing results of Green HRM can bring down operational expenses and to give power to industry individuals to end up increasingly aware of their business and communal responsibilities in a better way. Likewise, Green initiatives inside HRM frames some portion of more extensive projects of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). This paper deals with the concept of Green HRM, benefits and various Green HR initiatives and practices which leads to Green HRM at workplace.


Keywords : Green HRM; Sustainability; Corporate Social Responsibility.
Corresponding Author : Rakhi Mohan, Research Scholar, Nehru College of Management, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641105, India.